Angered by the interference in the property of the house by the in-laws, the young man sprinkled petrol on his body and set fire

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A youth was suddenly set ablaze by spraying petrol on his body in a grocery shop located at Guraru Bazar Chowk in Gaya district, the said grocery shop belongs to Sanjay Kumar and the person who set his own body on fire is his brother-in-law. Ajay Kumar Gupta.
घटना के बाद आसपास के लोगों ने आनन-फानन में आग से लिपटे अजय के शरीर पर पानी डालकर आग बुझाया और तत्काल इलाज के लिए गुरारू प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्र ले जाया गया, जहां से प्राथमिक उपचार के बाद चिकित्सकों ने अजय को गया के अनुग्रह नारायण मगध मेडिकल कॉलेज अस्पताल रेफर कर दिया।
After the incident, the nearby people hurriedly extinguished the fire by pouring water on Ajay’s body wrapped in fire and was immediately taken to Guraru Primary Health Center for treatment, from where after first aid the doctors gave Ajay to Anugrah Narayan Magadha of Gaya. Referred to Medical College Hospital.
वहीं घटना की सूचना मिलते ही अस्पताल पहुंचे पुलिस पदाधिकारी रामप्रवेश गोस्वामी के द्वारा मामले की जानकारी ली गई है, घटना के संबंध में बताया जा रहा है की ससुराल पक्ष के लोगों के द्वारा अजय की घर की संपत्ति में हस्तक्षेप किया जा रहा था, इसी को लेकर अजय का ससुराल के पक्ष के लोगों से विवाद चल रहा था, जिसके बाद यह घटना घटी।
At the same time, information about the matter has been taken by the police officer Rampravesh Goswami, who reached the hospital as soon as the incident was reported, it is being told in relation to the incident that the people of the in-laws side were interfering in the property of Ajay’s house. There was a dispute going on with the people of Ajay’s in-laws’ side, after which this incident happened.