Father and son died during treatment due to snakebite in Banka

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In Ghodbahiyar village under Belhar police station area of Banka district, father and son died during treatment due to snakebite on Wednesday night, after the incident, the deceased house is in chaos.
जानकारी के अनुसार मृतक शिवजी तुरी और पुत्र बंटी कुमार बुधवार की शाम घर में खटिया पर सोए हुए थे, तभी एक जहरीला सांप खटिया पर चढ़ गया और पहले बंटी को आँख के पास डंस लिया, इसके बाद मृतक पिता शिवजी तुरी के पैर में सांप लिपट गया, पैर में कुछ लिपटने का एहसास होने पर शिवजी तुरी द्वारा पैर को झाड़ा जाने लगा, इस दौरान सांप ने उन्हें भी डंस लिया, इसकी जानकारी उन्होंने स्वजनों को दी।
According to the information, the deceased Shivji Turi and son Bunty Kumar were sleeping on the cot in the house on Wednesday evening, when a poisonous snake climbed on the cot and first bitten Bunty near the eye, after which the snake wrapped around the feet of the deceased father Shivji Turi. Gaya, on realizing that something was wrapped in the leg, Shivaji Turi started sweeping the leg, during which the snake also bitten him, he informed the relatives about it.
मृतक पुत्र की हालत बिगड़ता देख स्वजनों को घटना के बारे में बताया स्वजन मृतक बंटी को झाड़ फूंक के लिए तिलकपुर गांव ले गए, जहां उसकी हालत और बिगड़ गई, जिसके बाद सीएससी ले जया गया जहां उसे मृत घोषित कर दिया गया।
Seeing the deteriorating condition of the deceased son, the relatives told the relatives about the incident, the relatives took the deceased Bunty to Tilakpur village, where his condition worsened, after which he was taken to CSC where he was declared dead.
घटना के 2 घंटे बाद मृतक शिवजी तुरी भी मुर्छित होने लगे, जिसे अस्पताल ले जाया गया, वहां से उन्हें सदर अस्पताल बांका रेफर कर दिया गया, बांका से भी बेहतर इलाज के लिए जेएलएनएमसीएच मायागंज अस्पताल भागलपुर रेफर किया गया, जहां उनकी भी मौत हो गई।
After 2 hours of the incident, the deceased Shivaji also started fainting, who was taken to the hospital, from there he was referred to Sadar Hospital Banka, JLNMCH Mayaganj Hospital Bhagalpur was referred for better treatment than Banka, where he also died. Went.